Engineering services examination entails quite prestigious environment which attracts engineering students. Union Public Service Commission conducts Engineering Services Examination with the objective of recruiting proficient engineers from various sectors such as- Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and so on. This is a glaring fact that UPCS recruits employees from this exam for several technical and managerial posts. Engineering services examination comprises written examination which occurs twice and interview. To crack this exam becomes quite difficult as lakhs of students apply to get selected in this exam whereas vacancies always remain few. Few vacancies and lakhs candidates make this exam difficult to crack and increase the competition level to the fullest. In spite of this fact, the status, pride and optimal growth in career allures students towards this examination. Students who have passion in working in technical and managerial field should apply for this exam. UPSC offers candidates various technical and managerial posts after final selection in several ministries and organizations which belong to central government of India such as-
Candidates get Group-A post and rank in all above organization.
A candidate must be either:
(a) A citizen of India orProvided that a candidate for the post of Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engineering Posts and Engineer Group 'A' in Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing/Monitoring Organization) may possess any of the above qualifications or the qualification mentioned below namely: M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
“The journey towards success starts with a sound planning followed by proper execution.”
Considering the fact that ESE ranks in one of most toughest exam, students always ask that what should be preparation strategy of ESE so that good rank can be achieved here. Consistency blended with sincerity will positively make students reach to their journey. Candidates always ask for the right strategy for the ESE, it can be suggested that they should make their strategy according to their level. Here I have categorised aspirants of ESE into two categories according – The first category is known as “New Entrant” where the aspirants have just started their journey for the preparation of ESE and second category is known as “Experienced” where the aspirants have given one or more exam of ESE.
New Entrants have to follow all these suggested points with firm dedication and commitment-